
We provide patients with affordable access to excellent healthcare through through our GP who has extensive experience.

A blood test involves a sample of blood taken for testing to assess your general state of health.

We at Safety Net GP Surgery aim to provide a setting that is accessible, friendly and helpful where parents can bring their children for a medical opinion.

Minor Surgery is any surgical procedure that does not involve general anaesthesia or respiratory assistance during the surgical procedure.

All our vaccinations (including non-travel) are administered by highly trained nurses at weekends and weekday evenings to ensure that the service is built around your needs.

Illness Benefit is a weekly payment that you may get if you cannot work because you are ill. You should always apply for Illness Benefit if you are medically certified as unfit for work.

The more you know about your pregnancy and your options, the more you are likely to feel in control.

Ireland has a national childhood vaccination (immunisation) programme, which is delivered by Safety Net GP Surgery.